FUN ANECDOTE: On the walk down Main Street back to my truck, Peter and I began singing the song "A Hard Day's Night" together. I was helping him along with some Pete Seeger-style prompts, where I feed Peter the next line just ahead of him singing it. I get to the second verse:
You know I work all day / To get you money to buy you things...
.,..and I can't remember the next bit! It's one of those moments where I'd never forget the words while singing along to the record, but solo on Main Street, I lost it. I start to struggle and try a few options for how the next line starts...
and then the lady 10 feet in front of us on the sidewalk, whom I had not noticed before, chimes in:
And it's worth it just to hear you say / you're gonna give me everything
Turns out she was also walking home from the movie! Thanks fellow Beatles fan, wherever you are!
(At the Mahaiwe with a small but enthusiastic Gen X-to-Boomer crowd, plus some kids and grandkids)
THEATER NOTES: I enjoy supporting the Mahaiwe, the moviegoing experience is pretty good (I'd like the sound volume turned up a few notches), and the prices are fine, especially for a non-profit. One area that, for me, is holding them back is their barely-there concession stand. I understand that they're not a full-time theater, and I get that they don't want to pay for a kid to run the concessions, but I really want to spend more money on real theater popcorn and a soda with ice. That bagged healthy popcorn is not enough for me.